
7 Amazing Ebooks That You Can Listen To On Audible (2023)

Written by launchpoadmin

When it comes to purchasing audiobooks and ebooks, Audible is the first place that most people turn. The site offers some of the best audiobooks, including bestsellers like The Girl on the Train, as well as hundreds of thousands of audio books that you can listen to at your convenience. But what are some of the best? If you’re looking for recommendations, here are seven that you should definitely consider adding to your library today.

Oscar Wilde: A Life from Beginning to End

One of literature’s greatest romance novels, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray is a haunting story that you can now get in audio form on Audible. Oscar Wilde has been listed as one of history’s most famous playwrights and poets, and although his work has always been popular with generations of readers, modern times have seen a renewed interest in both his life and work.

The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho’s masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he ever imagined. Beautiful and enchanting, The Alchemist is a magical testament to putting one’s faith in oneself and letting fate decide one’s destiny.

On Writing – Stephen King

Stephen King, author of some of horror’s greatest classics such as The Shining and It, takes readers behind his writing process in his book On Writing. Filled with advice on everything from dialogue to pacing to plot development, it’s a great resource for writers everywhere.

Steve Jobs – Walter Isaacson

Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs gives listeners insight into one of today’s most important entrepreneurs. (You can read it, too!) Isaacson tells Steve Jobs’ life story from birth to death and makes frequent reference to his business practices at Apple, Pixar, and NeXT. The book is also a candid portrayal of personal relationships—both good and bad—and provides an intimate look at Jobs’ personality and motivations.

Into Thin Air – Jon Krakauer

Into Thin Air is a non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer concerning an Everest expedition that led to three deaths. The book was written from Krakauer’s point of view and detailed events that occurred on May 10, 1996 when eight people died after becoming trapped by a storm in what later became known as The Death Zone.

The Little Prince – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

While The Little Prince might not be a business book per se, it’s certainly one of my favorite books ever. The poetic tone of Saint-Exupéry’s work reminds me of a poem by Emily Dickinson: Tell all the truth but tell it slant. Saint-Exupéry shares more philosophy in 20 pages than most business books do in 500. This is also a great chance to see how another culture (French) approaches literature and storytelling.

Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom

Tuesdays with Morrie is a wonderful story that follows Albom as he returns to visit his old professor, Morrie Schwartz. In their weekly discussions, Albom learns from his mentor and friend about love, loss, aging and death. This touching story is told in an engaging manner that leaves you feeling like you’re right there with Albom and Morrie discussing life’s most important matters.

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I have a passion for helping small businesses and entrepreneurs succeed online. With years of experience in digital marketing, I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge and expertise with our readers. Whether it's through in-depth guides on the latest affiliate marketing strategies or reviews of the best tools and resources, I strive to provide valuable and actionable content for our audience. My goal is to help our readers grow their online businesses and achieve their financial goals.

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